Let the Real Man Stand

by Dr. Na'im Akbar
Every year when I watch the NBA playoffs, I am fascinated by the incredible skill that African-American men show on the basketball court. Not only are we incredibly impressive with our individual skills, but the artful ability that we show to work as a team is a picture of real artistry. We are able to demonstrate such concentration, rhythm and nothing short of sheer genius on the courts. Each time I see a Michael Jordan, Karl Malone, Dennis Rodman and so many others, I realize what an incredibly talented community that we are.
Then I look at the decision-makers, the coaches, the owners, the managers, the lawyers, the advertisers, the real power holders who make all of this happen and I am reduced to tears as I grieve over our utter powerlessness when it comes to making things happen. I have to struggle to remember the last time that I have seen one of these giants of the “hoops” stand-up and speak to the horrific treatment of young Black boys in the education system, in the court system in the corporate world. I shudder when I think of the thousands of equally talented young Black men who are hypnotized by the glamour of the game, who have never heard these stars tell the real truth about their situation. I have not heard them stand up and tell that despite their millions and their obvious skill, they are handled like slave hands in the days of the plantation. They are there at the service of their owners and managers and are auctioned off like the livestock that we were for most of our history in America. Underneath the bright lights, hype and championship rings they are still property and are essentially unable to make a substantial difference in defining and directing the very game that they have made great. I wish they would stand up and say this to young Black men. I wish they would tell what happens to them when they speak up against the injustice that still lives in America. I wish they would tell how little of their money they really control. I wish they would tell that racism continues to be the plague of this land from the NBA to the ABC’s.
How many of these great stars and multimillionaires, fund a foundation that is committed to research ways to bring greater economic power to the communities from which they came? How many of them fund a Think Tank that supports some of our thinkers and scholars to find ways to begin to save more of our sons and daughters from prison and premature death? How many of them are looking for ways to invest in the future of our communities by providing scholarships for talented young people who will never get into a college, because of the increased cost and growing discrimination? How many of them are using their influence to say to our young people that real power is in the mind and in the spirit and not in the fist, muscles and sex?
Oh how I wish that every Black athlete and entertainer was required to study the life of Paul Robeson who as a four letter man, an academic genius and a talented artist never compromised his dignity and gave up all of the wealth and power when he was asked to be less than a man who was committed to the upliftment of his people. I wish more of these basketball stars would be like Magic Johnson who is trying to build a financial empire and is using his influence to empower African-American communities. I hope they will at least put some of their money in his bank that will hopefully loan some money to Black folks who can’t get a loan because of where they live or how they look. I wish these athletes and entertainers would make a real investment in the future and drop a cold $10 million (or more) as Cosby did at Spelman. That kind of money could fund an Institute and some facilities so that we can teach ourselves about ourselves by ourselves without having to answer to people who don’t give a damn about us monitoring who is saying what to whom. When the wrong people say the wrong thing that just might bring African people into a position of parity, then their money gets snatched.
How great it would be if the stars could become men and be transformed beyond boyhood.